April 3, 2018 I AM A LIBERTARIAN, I SUPPORT THE INITIATIVE TO LEGALIZE CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES; AND I AM RUNNING FOR UTAH COUNTY ATTORNEY. Everyone knows that Utah is basically a one party state. It is unlikely that Democrats will win any major races in Utah this year outside of Salt Lake County. It is worse in Utah County, where the Democrats are not contesting many races. The new United Utah Party will be active to a limited degree. And, due to us Libertarians, voters will have a choice for County Attorney. I hope that many voters who are not dedicated to the Republican Party, with all its problems in leadership, will take the opportunity to send a message by voting for me for Utah County Attorney. Back in January, I sent messages to the two Republican candidates for Utah County Attorney, and asked if either would consider endorsing the passage of the "Medical Cannabis Act". I received no reply from either Republican. That act will be on the ballot this year for voter action to legalize possession and use of Cannabis for medical purposes, with strict legal guidelines. I can only assume that neither of them is willing to go on record in support of the Initiative. Frankly, I think it is too strict, and I would support a move towards full legalization, as currently exists in Colorado and Nevada. I think it will be nearly impossible for Utah prosecutors to enforce laws against possession here when we are virtually surrounded by legal states. Further, I have become convinced that arresting and jailing those who use this substance is simply the wrong thing to do. Those arrested for this crime lose their driver licesnes; and often they lose student loans, their jobs and their apartments as well. Sometimes they even lose custody of their children. We will, however, take one step at a time. I support this important step forward, and my eventual Republican opponent does not. Polls show that, even in Utah County, the support for the Initiative is overwhelming. If you intend to vote for the Initiative, I urge you to also support me as the candidate who will work to put your support into the public policy of Utah County. I will pledge to fully prosecute violent crimes, and those crimes that infringe on the rights of others. I do believe, however, that drug and alcohol violations are better treated as public health issues; and that there should be alternatives to incarceration for those who have "substance abuse problems". If you agree that the County needs a new viewpoint in law enforcement and prosecution, please vote for "The Medial Cannabis Act'; and then vote for the candidate who supports the new policies of that Initiative. And, since the Republican will be well funded as usual, consider finding the link on this page to "Make a Contribution." Contributions of up to $50 will remain anonymous. Contributions over that amount will be reported to the Utah County Clerk, as required by law. Please join me in doing what we can to be heard. Tell your friends and neighbors the good news. Help us put up signs, pass out literature, and use social media to spread the word. The Republican Party's immense financial and organizational advantage can be slowly eroded, if we work at it. We cannot expect anyone else to do it for us. Do what you can. We have nothing to lose but our chains.
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